I’m sorry for these frequent changes. It’s just that you sometimes make decisions, which don’t end up like what you imagined them like. My registrar choice has been pretty bad, and my other domain was being held hostage by my old registrar. This is the only reason for CRYOT.DE being replaced with a new domain.

Thankfully i have got plenty of backups unlike past times, which meant i just needed a new domain to operate under from now on. I am pretty bad at this, so i just went with DROF.ONE

Future Plannings

I sadly do not have much time nowadays. In real life, i am currently undergoing several structural changes. Which requires a lot of energy to manage, which in turn prevents me from doing anything productive. As i manage to accumulate free time, i will surely spend some of it on this blog. Even if i am mediocre at writing, i still manage to view myself as a fellow developer with years of expertise.#

Setup Complexity

Because my residential connection got terminated, i have to rely on public wifi and cellular data to go online. Because of this, i cannot self host anything. I also don’t want to pay for a server, because i am running this blog with no monetary gain in mind. People can donate, i’ll appreciate that and list anybody here if wanted. But that’s going to be very rare, if we’re being realistic here.

So, domain itself was only about 2€. However, renewal costs a lot more than that, about 16€. I always like to go for affordable options like this, with immense first registration discounts. Because you’ll never know if your project makes it to the stage, where renewing it’s domain would be worth the price tag. If i don’t manage to get done anything productive with DROF.ONE, i can simply let it expire. Although obviously i am very interested in keeping it alive and generating content.