Introduction to this new blog

Hello everyone! I’d like to present you my new place for serving both technical and non technical, personal content. My previous approach was using WordPress, which honestly is way too bloated for my use case. I figured it would be more cost effective to switch to a static site generator instead. And thus i have deployed this new blog using jekyll.

Because i’m absolutely shit at frontend development, i’ve decided to go with an existing theme. Make sure to tell me what you think about the blog’s current appearance!

Sadly i have to inform my readers that old content will not be coming back. I was simply too optimistic and haven’t done any backups for my past content served on WordPress. But at the same time i see it as an opportunity, as it allows me to rewrite posts i remember in an improved version of their old counterparts.

If something is still unclear, then i’ll be glad to try answering your questions. You can check out my contact page for more information!

Thanks for reading!
-Drof — Owner, Webmaster and Writer at CRYOT.DE